

Tii - iTem 0389 - iOS 9.3.2 Beta 1 Give us a call - 1-206-666-4357 Send us an email -   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo code = tii Apple Seeds First Beta of iOS 9.3.2 iOS 9.3.2 Beta 1 has a New Kernel  iPhone bug lets you talk Siri into showing you anyone’s private photos Server-side patch fixes vulnerability Siri can now answer more of your baseball questions Apple's push to Flood India with used iPhones ignites backlash Apple - Investor Relations Google+ Community - Ep 389 Audiobooks Purchased From Apple Can Now Be Re-Downloaded Apple could be radically redesigning the iPhone Rumor: Apple Watch 2 Predicted to Debut at WWDC iPhone 7 rumors may make you replace your Android Apple is an ‘arms dealer’, analyst claims DoDock - Kickstarter Photive 60 Watt 6 Port USB Desktop Rapid Charger The government still wants Apple to help it crack an iPhone in New York FBI director: We bought 'a tool' to hack terrorist's iPhone FBI confirms hack does not work on