

Tii - iTem 0383 - Apple v. FBI Give us a call - 1-206-666-6364 Send us an email -   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tii Today's Sponsor - Boll & Branch - Promo Code = tii Customer Letter - Apple Google and WhatsApp chiefs back Apple in backdoor fight Apple’s Line in the Sand Was Over a Year in the Making Justice Dept. questions Apple's motives in refusing to help FBI Apple says law enforcement missed chance to back up shooter's phone Apple ID Password For Terrorist's iPhone Reset At FBI Request How Tim Cook, in iPhone Battle, Became a Bulwark for Digital Privacy In the Government vs. Apple, Who Wears the Black Hat? Apple encryption case: Billions are at stake In legal showdown, FBI vs. Apple could make or break Silicon Valley Why Apple's fight with the FBI could have reverberations in China Apple opposes order to hack gunman's phone The Pelican Brief The FBI v. Apple isn’t at all the way you think it is  Apple, FBI, and the Burden of Forens