

  Tii - iTem 0298 - iOS 7.0.6 Goto Fail Goto Fail   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiissl   Update your iThings NOW Apple security flaw could allow hackers to beat encryption  ImperialViolet - Apple's SSL/TLS bug New iOS flaw makes devices susceptible to covert keylogging, researchers say Background Monitoring on Non-Jailbroken iOS 7 Devices  Why Is an App Worth as Much as a Small Oil Field? Google+ community Apple values your privacy, ads firms complain Real or not, 'iPhone 6' photos are everywhere Wall Street Journal Offers Apple TV Clues Samsung Announces Gold Galaxy S5 To Match The iPhone 5s Google’s Sundar Pichai: Android not designed to be safe Microsoft Office Word Processor for iPad - Kickstarter Goodbye SkyDrive and Hello OneDrive - The Melting Kilt The company behind Candy Crush withdraws US trademark application for 'candy' evasi0n iOS 7.x Jailbreak Stitcher Listener of the Year   PORTERS PODCAST     Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii App