

Tii - iTem 0233 - iOS 6 Beta 3   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor is the app - Can't Say That   Verizon drops a hint on a possible Q4 iPhone 5 launch  Apple releases iOS 6 beta 3 with new settings for Maps Apple gives iPhone 3GS owners some love iOS 6 Beta 3 Now Available For Download AT&T Could Charge Apple iPhone Users for FaceTime  AT&T to Charge For FaceTime Over Cellular Network? Will AT&T Charge for FaceTime on the iPhone? - iExplorer  Earliest known photos of an iPad Cell Phone Case For iPhone 2012 eyeCLICK — Kickstarter Pair with Pear — Kickstarter A 7-inch iPad? Not So Fast - Forbes Does Apple's Seven-Inch iPad Really Exist? - Forbes Google Nexus 7 tablet teardown confirms loss leader status Can I Use the Same Power Adapter for iPhone and iPad?  Straight Talk: Chopping Your Cellphone Bill in Half Straightalk - Service Plan Apple ordered by court to issue 'ad' saying Samsung didn’t copy Explaining AT&T and Verizons’ complex shared-data plans AT&T annou