Forward Tilt By Praxis

20 - Living with Integrity



Integrity is being undivided. It is definiteness of purpose and singleness of mind. To live with integrity, you need to understand yourself and then act in line with who you are. This isn’t easy. It can be hard to gain that much self-knowledge. Even when you have a deep understanding of yourself, there are many decisions in life that involve picking between imperfect options. Living with integrity in these situations is about making a choice and living with it. Not filling yourself with regret, or becoming a victim, but accepting your choices and learning from them when you don’t like the results. This week on Forward Tilt, Isaac digs into what it means to live with integrity and how you can practice it in your life. In this episode: - What is integrity? - Being in line with your self - Being of two minds - Reducing the things that matter to you? For a free digital edition of Forward Tilt: An Almanac for Personal Growth go to