Gameopolis Podcast

Show #28.5 Session Report: Forbidden Desert



In this Session Report show, Mark and Jeff give the "point-5" treatment to GameWright's Forbidden Desert! We launch right into this session report with a description of which roles we each assume in this two-player game, and then right into some specific examples of play (which includes many notes of what things we find most forbidding about this particular desert). Our coverage includes some comparisons with the game's predecessor, Forbidden Island. After Mark and Jeff finish their coverage of this two-player example of play, Mark tells us a bit of his experience in a more recent, four-player example of play. We always love to hear from our listeners, so please post a comment to this blog entry (at or, or send us an email at! Stay tuned for Show 29.0, coming at you faster than an Explorer wearing a Jetpack! NOTE: To download, right-click on the "POD" icon above, and choose "Save Target As..." Select a download location on your computer, and save.