Gameopolis Podcast

Show #28: Forbidden Desert, and D-Day Dice



In Show 28.0 of Gameopolis, Mark and Jeff inadvertently do a cooperative games extravaganza. But before any of that starts, observing tradition there is discussion of a Dusty Old Box…Actually it's a bag of Dusty Old Things (which sounds like an allergist's nightmare). Mark very enthusiastically describes the Dusty Old Things that Jeff presents him. After that it's a quick visit to our listener mailbag before we launch into the main show topics. Mark takes the first main segment of the show, with coverage of Forbidden Desert: long-awaited sequel to Forbidden Island. He covers the rules, the most obvious differences and similarities with Forbidden Island, and --of course-- talks about the quality of the game components. After Mark's main segment, Jeff dives into a second main segment on Valley Games' D-Day Dice, with focus on the rules of play, and the publisher's very clever use of game components. We'd love to hear from you, so if you get a moment, please post a comment to this blog entry (at www.gameopolis.o