Gameopolis Podcast

Show #27: Fillers, part 2



In Show 27.0 of Gameopolis, Mark and Jeff revisit a topic not discussed since way-back in Show 6.0: Filler Games! Before launching into tho second installment of our Fillers discussion, Jeff opens up a Dusty Old Box that he describes as a familiar game in an unfamiliar box. Confused? Intrigued? Then this show will set your mind at ease! Our discussion of this Dusty Old Box reminds Mark of another tidbit of Mark's Personal Gaming Trivia --a very humorous incident from his past gaming group-of-old. After the Dusty Old Box and Mark's Personal Gaming Trivia segments, Mark and Jeff discuss eight Filler Games, that we hope you'll enjoy. Lastly, at NO ADDITIONAL COST to you, we throw in a bonus segment on Gamewick Games' zombie-themed semi-cooperative card game, Pittsburgh 68. Jeff describes the things he loves about this old-style zombie movie experience. We'd love to hear from you, so if you get a moment, please post a comment to this blog entry (at or, or send us an email