Gameopolis Podcast

Show #24.5 Session Report: Merchant of Venus



In this Session Report show, we "Point-5" Fantasy Flight Games' Merchant of Venus. Due to a tear in the space-time continuum, Mark and Jeff end up recording an after-action report BEFORE the action! This show covers our first play-through of FFG's new version of MoV. Our discussion focuses on the strategies each of the three players tried, and some of the revelations we experienced during this first play-through. We always love to hear from our Podcast Nation, so please post a comment to this blog entry (at or, or send us an email at! Stay tuned for Show 25.0, coming at you faster than a space freighter with a combo drive!   NOTE: To download, right-click on the "POD" icon above, and choose "Save Target As..." Select a download location on your computer, and save. After saving, play the file from your downloaded copy.