Gameopolis Podcast

Show #20: Phantom Leader, and Merchant of Venus



Here in Show 20.0, we discuss a couple games that we are very excited about --one fairly new, and one a true classic! But since this is a whole-number episode, we start things off properly with a Dusty Old Box segment. To be more accurate, though, this is not a Box but rather is a Dusty Old THING...three things, in fact. After the Dusty Old Box segment, Jeff launches us into the show's first main topic: a solitaire strategy game called Phantom Leader. Jeff covers the basics of the game elements and mechanics, and then describes why he loves this game so much. After Jeff's main segment, Mark takes us for a stroll down Memory Lane in the show's second main segment, talking about his all-time favorite game, Merchant of Venus. You might consider this a primer or a "warm-up" for the pending re-release of MoV! Mark covers all of the main rules and the subtleties of this game --the things that separate it from other "pick-up and drop-off" games, and that make MoV his all-time favorite. As always, we love to hear fro