Gameopolis Podcast

Show #17: Freedom in the Galaxy, and DungeonQuest 3rd edition



Mark and Jeff challenge tradition in what would --normally-- have been the Dusty Old Box segment of the show.  Then, Jeff kicks us off with a deeper treatment of a PREVIOUS Dusty Old Box: Avalon Hill's Freedom In The Galaxy. Jeff takes a high level look at this game to answer his months-long question: is this game truly "ridiculous", as was once asserted? After Jeff's analysis of FitG, Marks tells us about the re-release of DungeonQuest by Fantasy Flight Games, with plenty of comparisons and contrasts with the previous edition of the game. As always, we LOVE to hear from our listeners, so please post a comment to this blog entry (at or, or send us an email at! 00:00:00 Prelude 00:01:51 Freedom in the Galaxy 00:23:36 Fantasy Flight's vesion of DungeonQuest 00:51:02 Signoff Related links: 1 Freedom in the Galaxy on Boardgamegeek 2 FFG's DungeonQuest on Boardgamegeek Stay tuned for Show 17.5 --our session report on one of these fine games-- coming