Gameopolis Podcast

Show #12: Samurai Swords and Battleground Fantasy Warfare



 Happy New Year from your friends at Gameopolis! We start off this episode with our Dusty Old Box segment, which features a game in a 5-sided box. Inside the strange box is a very old game from a very old game company. After the Dusty Old Box, Mark and Jeff get down to business with an efficient, back-to-basics show. Mark starts us off with coverage of Samurai Swords (originally known as Shogun), which was part of Milton Bradley's GameMaster series. Then, Jeff describes Your Move Games' Battleground Fantasy Warfare. We'll put some pics up on the Gameopolis Flickr Page! Lastly, Mark and Jeff roll out our first call for discussion topics for the Podcast of Hate (companion podcast to last year's Podcast of Love). Come on!!! We all have pet peaves and things that otherwise get under our skin. Here's your chance to get up on your soapbox and put us all back onto the straight-and-narrow!!! You can post your thoughts to this show's comments, or email them to us at Even if you don't have any feed