Gameopolis Podcast

Show #11: Those Pesky Humans and Carnage 2010



Mark and Jeff cover almost every aspect of the life of a boardgame in this show, we discuss a dusty old game box...then a game store...then a game...and lastly, a game convention!!! Our Dusty Old Box segment focuses on something we believe few --if any-- of our listeners have encountered --a rare, Trademark game of space warfare potentially worth over $65,000! Or not. From here, we move on to our latest installment of our new segment, As Far As Possible Game Goes Kaupankaynti. Mark tells us about his game store-hunting in Washington DC, and then we strap into the Way-Back machine to revisit Jeff's recent trek to Game Empire in San Diego, CA. After hearing about Game Empire, we dig into our main segment for today's show: the game Those Pesky Humans, by Minion Games. This is primarily a 2-player game of human marauders perpetrating horrible injustices against the innocent monster home-owner who is just minding his own business. Lastly, we go into a brief recount of Jeff's experiences at the Carnage 2010 gaming