Gameopolis Podcast

Show #7: Stone Age and Home-Brewed Expansions



NOTE: To download, right-click on the "POD" icon above, and choose "Save Target As..." Select a download location on your computer, and save. After saving, play the file from your downloaded copy.   Mark and Jeff get back to the topic of the Dusty Old Box...this time with Jeff's super-double-secret extra-special dusty old box --which for a change is actually dusty! Afterward, Mark tells us about Rio Grande's Stone Age, a light and colorful game of community-building set in the dawn of human civilization. Next, Jeff's talks about Home-Brewed Boardgame Expansions: home rules sets complete with additional game components added. The point is to add some functionality to an already-great game.  To illustrate, Jeff talks about his home brewed expansions to Steve Jackson Games' Car Wars Card Game, and Avalon Hill's Monsters Menace America. We'll add some pictures of these games to the Gameopolis Flickr Account. 00:00:00 Prelude 00:05:27 Dusty Old Box 00:13:17 Stone Age 00:34:45 Home Expansion for Car Wars Card Gam