Build Your Utopia

085: Interview Part 1 with Kavit Haria



We are very excited to share part 1 of this interview with Kavit Haria, musician, coach, and entrepreneur. Kavit Haria is a professional musician (including playing with Jimmy Page and Paul McCartney), studied genetics in college, coaches other musicians, and a successful entrepreneur. Kavit Haria shares that he has recently (in the last couple years) started meditating.  Ben asks for some of the noticeable improvements or changes that his two hours a day of meditation.  This leads to a great insight to the level of focus you can achieve and the quality of work you can perform. Next, Kavit Haria shares that he currently works only 4 hours a day.  He does this by being really good at what he does as well as finding repetitive actions or tasks and automating it with systems.  Putting these in place help him stay productive, focused, and successful while only working 4 hours a day. The conversation then moved into how Kavit Haria accidentally created his first business.  He was working as a professional musician