Build Your Utopia

055: Burning the Ships with Ben Altman



Today Ben & Josh recap this weeks interview with Ben Altman of Charisma on Command, what Josh is up to with CVO Acceleration, and upcoming changes to the format of the show. Josh starts the show by sharing with everyone (Ben included, this was all new information to him) what he is doing with CVO Acceleration.  He outlines his new business plan, offers, and how he came to these decisions.  Josh goes over trip-wire offers, something small to provide some value that also starts the conversation, and how those can turn into a larger relationship with his customers.  This turned into a conversation about Josh presenting at Vetracon 2015 this June at Fort Hood. Ben & Josh then jumped into some of the highlights from Ben Altman's interview.  Our hosts talked about how he 'burned the ships' by cutting his professional ties when he moved, which basically forced him to succeed.  Part of his story was to speak with his audience and and see what they want, then build the product together.  That approach is real