Build Your Utopia

050: Interview with Pat Flynn



Happy Tuesday everyone!  We have a great guest for our 50th show, Pat Flynn, entrepreneur, podcast host, and responsible of Smart Passive Income. Pat Flynn views his utopia as being able to spend most of his time with his growing kids.  He and his wife have been asked by other parents and teachers at their kids' school how they both drop off and pick up his son from school.  Pat has made it a priority to build his work life around his family life, instead of what is typical of fitting in family time around work time. Pat Flynn recently started adjusting to a morning schedule (he self identifies as a night person).  After speaking with Hal Elrod (our guest from Episode 42), Pat decided to move to a morning routine.  He recognizes the difference between setting an alarm and getting up for work verses setting an alarm and getting up for yourself.  It was difficult for Pat at first, but he adjusted and is now on a morning schedule. Pat's experience with moving to a morning schedule reinforced a view he has about