Build Your Utopia

033: Fibonacci Sunflowers



Great show today for you Utopians. We share with you our best review yet and a special thanks goes to TnT Family Farm. This leads to us reflecting on the review where we mention how important throughout life, business, pretty much all facets of life, to not focus on the past, leave it, and focus on what you can make an impact on: the present and the future. Josh and Ben delve into this in personal detail. Josh in particular shares an experience in management at a Fortune 500 company years ago. Josh and Ben also dive into how technology has impacted them personally and professionally. Josh in particular has felt overwhelmed at times from technologies, like his smart phone, and talks about his challenges there. I'm sure you all can relate with the prevalence of smart phones and tablets in today's society. Ben also just received a promotion! Congrats Ben! Finally, Josh and Ben also reflect on some of the powerful, seriously impactful, Value Bombs dropped by Rachel Martin in this past Tuesday's episode. As always