Build Your Utopia

Bonus Episode 002 New Year's Day 2015



During today's BONUS episode, we discussed how to go into 2015 with strong goals and our recommendations for revisiting your goals throughout 2015 so you conquer your resolutions and achieve more goals in a year then you have ever had! ABC "Always be conquering!" Utopians, Ben committed to something very important in 2015. Ben committing to quitting smoking. This is going to be challenging for Ben since he's been smoking since 16. Let's all hold him accountable and keep sending positive reinforcement his way, sound good? Josh had some tips in this episode for Ben to help him conquer his goal of quitting smoking, mostly revolving around fitness. These are some great tips from Josh that you may find valuable as well. Happy 2015 Utopians! Go out there and have an ABC mentality of "Always be Conquering!" Happy New Years! As always, a special thank you to The Strand for our intro and outro music!