Build Your Utopia

013: Which Cities Am I Going To Live In?



In today's episode of Build Your Utopia, Josh sings throughout the entire episode! ... Kidding, we wouldn't put you through that pain. Actually, it's a great episode. This week we hosted Michelle Corr, branding expert, entrepreneur, TV/radio show host, and just all-around awesome person. During today's episode, we discuss our thoughts on her Utopia, being able to be location independent and live between three exceptional places Hawaii, Alaska, and Arizona. Also, we talk about the value of having someone in your circle that is a "connector" like Michelle. Whether you are in corporate or on an entrepreneur path, you want to align yourself with successful people. Take Joe Montana.. without Jerry Rice, he wouldn't have been one of the greatest Quarterback in NFL history. Ben, by the way, didn't know who Jerry Rice is! Josh takes some time during this episode to educate him to raise his sports knowledge profile. From there, Josh and Ben discuss Josh's company ICE Accelerate Marketing Automation Services branding r