

I have been posting and sharing this issue for several days after I found several posts on LinkedIn. However, I was greatly disturbed when I saw absolutely no mention on FaceBook about what may happen to our businesses and social connection if we do NOT stop this from happening! To learn more faster and to take action quicker here is an awesome link that helped me reach out and protest to our Congressmen and Senators, Speaker of the House, etc.  Battle For The Net And here is another site with a link to the petition on the official White House website!  There is another petition as well!  I'm signing all of them! 6 Ways You Can Protest This is a very serious show about a very destructive action about to take place if we don't stand up and fight this.  I want to keep telling my stories on my podcast, I want to do videos on YouTube, I want to buy from you, your products, your services, but I just have one voice to help protect our rights!  Let's join hands and do this because together we can do this!!!!   We ha