Gatherings Podcast

Dinners on the Farm with Field Notes, NY



And we're back, for Episode 1 of Season 2. During this episode, we got the chance to interview Joan Porambo and Kyle MacPherson from Field Notes, NY. During this episode they talk about how they started hosting dinners at the Lansing Farm in upstate New York. We talk about food, timing when cooking for so many people, and the logistics of hosting outdoors. We also get an insider's look at the life of a chef, which was really cool! A little more about Joan and Kyle: We're two school and industry educated chefs who are looking to gain a better appreciation for where the food we cook with comes from, and who grows it. In order to evolve and learn, we've teamed up with the Lansing family to do dinners on the farm each week, using crops from the surrounding fields. We hope to better understand what goes into growing the produce we use everyday, by not only cooking with it, but also by being a part the process from beginning to end. An Overview of Field Notes, NY How they started hosting these dinners What it m