Let's Watch That! - A Film Review Podcast

Shiva Baby (w/ Kyle Gest)



Kyle Gest (The Lapse Storytelling Podcast) comes back onto the show this week to talk about the fantastic film Shiva Baby! We caught up talking about what COVID has done to our content intake and much more! Check it out today! Rate! Review! Subscribe! *NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY* Email: letswatchthatpodcast@gmail.com Twitter/Instagram: @letswatchpod film, movies, humor, tv, reviews, podcast, Bryce Logan, Vancouver, guests, film school, arts, jokes, funny, entertainment, podcast, theatre, DVD, Blu-ray, Netflix, screening, question, interview, Oscars, humour, actors, film festival, film review, IMDB, lets watch that, podcasting, pod, cast, director, writer, scripts, screenplay, iTunes, google play, Spotify, Reddit, BC, Canada, New Westminster, comedy, horror, action, drama, romance, sci-fi, mystery