Let's Watch That! - A Film Review Podcast

Spider-Man: Far From Home (w/ Jill Brooks)



Got another Marvel darling coming at ya! Talking all about Spider-Man: Far From Home with Jill Brooks! We also talk about the MCU and there is also some boxing talk! Oh and there is a funny little flub that happens about 30 min in so enjoy that! Rate! Review! Subscribe! *NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY* Email: letswatchthatpodcast@gmail.com Twitter/Instagram: @letswatchpod Ps: Sorry for the audio quality if it annoys. My computers all jacked up so I am trying to figure out a way to unjack it and get it working nice and smooth again!    film, movies, humor, tv, reviews, podcast, Bryce Logan, Vancouver, guests, film school, arts, jokes, funny, entertainment, podcast, theatre, DVD, Blu-ray, Netflix, screening, question, interview, Oscars, humour, actors, film festival, film review, IMDB, lets watch that, podcasting, pod, cast, director, writer, scripts, screenplay, iTunes, google play, Spotify, Reddit, BC, Canada, New Westminster, comedy, horror, action, drama, romance, sci-fi, mystery