Let's Watch That! - A Film Review Podcast

The Invisible Man (2020) (w/ Mitchell Finkbeiner)



I am BACK! (sorry about the audio quality) I am joined by Mitchell once again to talk about another great movie! We are talking about The Invisible Man (2020) and what we are watching during this self isolation time! Check it out wherever you get your podcasts and everyone stay safe out there! Rate! Review! Subscribe! *NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY* Email: letswatchthatpodcast@gmail.com Twitter/Instagram: @letswatchpod film, movies, humor, tv, reviews, podcast, Bryce Logan, Vancouver, guests, film school, arts, jokes, funny, entertainment, podcast, theatre, DVD, Blu-ray, Netflix, screening, question, interview, Oscars, humour, actors, film festival, film review, IMDB, lets watch that, podcasting, pod, cast, director, writer, scripts, screenplay, iTunes, google play, Spotify, Reddit, BC, Canada, New Westminster, comedy, horror, action, drama, romance, sci-fi, mystery