Let's Watch That! - A Film Review Podcast

Police Story 1 & 2 (w/ Matthew Walter)



Ho doggy! We are washing our hands and trying not to touch our face but when you see stunts like these you help but make that Home Alone face, ya know what I mean? Anyway Matthew Walter came on the show this week to talk about the FANTASTIC Jackie Chan films Police Story 1 & 2! That's right! 2 movies for the price of one! Check it out now! Episode sponsored by www.brewquet.ca   Promo Code: Letswatchpod Rate! Review! Subscribe! *NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY* Email: letswatchthatpodcast@gmail.com  Twitter/Instagram: @letswatchpod  film, movies, humor, tv, reviews, podcast, Bryce Logan, Vancouver, guests, film school, arts, jokes, funny, entertainment, podcast, theatre, DVD, Blu-ray, Netflix, screening, question, interview, Oscars, humour, actors, film festival, film review, IMDB, lets watch that, podcasting, pod, cast, director, writer, scripts, screenplay, iTunes, google play, Spotify, Reddit, BC, Canada, New Westminster, comedy, horror, action, drama, romance, sci-fi, mystery