Training & Coaching Lifestyle with John Spencer Ellis

The Entrepreneur Show: How to Use iPhone Video for Killer Markeing Success



The Entrepreneur Show: Chris Perilli is going to teach you how everyday people are using smart phones to create professional videos that get crazy attention without any prior knowledge.  Imagine if you had the expertise of a company who have for the last decade created video trailers and productions that have sold millions in sales revenue right at your fingertips. To walk you through exactly how to plan, record, edit, and finish videos that will attract massive attention.  It's all in today's video interview.  The Training and Coaching Lifestyle Podcast hosted by John Spencer Ellis. Topics include business, marketing, branding, PR, publicity, SEO, social media, lifestyle design, wealth creation, program design, education, certification and success for fitness, coaching, wellness, nutrition, personal training and personal development experts. Learn how to work less, earn more, and have more fun while you help your clients reach their goals.  Guests  include: Jesse Elder, Jean-Pierre De Villiers, Chris Brow