Tucana People Analytics Podcast | Insights & Interviews From The World Of Human Resources

TPAP016 People Analytics and the Future of Work



David Green chats with Laurence Collins, Global Lead for HR Transformation and Workforce Analytics Consulting at Deloitte, for the final episode of thie season. As People Analytics gradually becomes part of the workings of HR departments around the world, the concept of decision-making based on employee data has growing implications for people’s working lives. As co-author the People Analytics chapter in the recent Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report, Laurence is more in touch than most people with the global strategic direction of analytics in HR. The report is in many ways a go-to point for professionals around the world for learning about the current business landscape and where they stand in relation to other organisations. There are few areas more fast-changing than analytics and data-crunching technology, and the knock-on effect can often be that the long-term questions are sidelined in favour of more immediate operational challenges. This was a fascinating conversation between two people advisi