Tucana People Analytics Podcast | Insights & Interviews From The World Of Human Resources

Strategic Enterprise Analytics - Keeping HR Relevant



Episode 12: Strategic Enterprise Analytics - Keeping HR Relevant As People Analytics is growing in data quality, capability and scope, so other departments are beginning to draw workforce data into their own analytics programmes. Similarly, technology is developing and further permeating business on all levels - from internal messaging to AI-driven insight to the Internet of Things. All of this is leading some more advanced organisations to begin combining analytics and technology across domains, blending the tools, expertise and initiatives to form a strategic Enterprise Analytics function. As departments like Marketing, Procurement and Finance are often further ahead in terms of analytics capability and sophistication, the challenge for HR is to step up and assert the importance and usefulness of workforce data in this new, integrated analytics approach. One of the most recognisable names in HR and Business Analytics, Bernard Marr discusses with Max Blumberg several topics around the outlook