SEO, SEM, and SMM Expert Podcast - First Click Inc.

Save a Huge Amount of Time on Pinterest and Tumblr With These Tools.



Looking to save time on social media? Who isn't! Learn how to help your SMM campaign in this six minute podcast. Also, please leave us a review and subscribe to the, "First Click SEO" podcast on Itunes.  Links for applications mentioned: and limits for Tumblr and Pinterest: - Pinterest:  You can only follow 300 people per hour.  You have a 500 character limit per pin. You are limited to 200,000 pins. You can only have 500 boards. You can only like 100,000 pins. (probably 1000 likes a day) Tumblr:  250 posts per day. Like Limit 1000 per day. Friend limit 200-300 per day.