SEO, SEM, and SMM Expert Podcast - First Click Inc.

How to Generate Leads Through Blab



Blab is easily the best platform I have ever used to generate leads for the SEO business.  Just by talking and hanging out I have gotten more leads off blab then any other social media platform out there.  Even if you're business is unrelated this social media platform can be used to promote pretty much anything.Especially other social media channels. Why do I beleive so strongly in it? Because when you are talking to some body on a live chat, you're usually more likely to believe them then if you were to read a blog post they wrote. Blab is in my opinion one of the most personal ways you can distrubute content right now.  Start Growing Your Following through twitter and other social channels Join the Blab Google Plus Community (in show notes) Start following other people on Blab Join other Blabs and also comment and use the /Q to ask questions Look for other people on the #Blab  In your titles for Blab make sure to include popular hash tags so when people tweet your blab they tweet with that hash tag. Simply