Sequel This

Episode 69: Fan Feedback Sode II



Since 2020 was an absolute shit show from either side of the fence you stand on, we're not doing a recap show nor are we doing a 2021 prediction show because lets face it everything we predicated last year pretty much stands for this year (see our constant jokes about regifting our episode from last year with a new intro.    Instead this is a sort of apology episode for us not responding to emails throughout 2020 and sadly beyond that..... Yeah we're kind of the worst. You see, to put it simple Dave and I stopped looking at the email because it was mainly spam (although I saw that Dave had hit subscribe to a news letter about erectile disfunction.   So yes, we're answering emails, reading through a few mini fan pitches, and talking about 2020 in general. So if you ever sent us an email, this is the show you've been waiting for. Unless you stopped listening because those jerks over at Sequel This never responded, then..... I hope you hear about the show through the grapevine and we're very very very sorry!