Sequel This

Episode 58: Summer Movie Sequels Part 1



Hello and Welcome...BACK to Sequel This! Yes Dave and Marc are finally back and we're so very sorry for the delay and lack of communication. We went on a walk-a-bout to remember and forgot to come back. Until now....   And for our glorious return to podcasting we're going... Super small. Come one. We've been gone for a bit, we can't just dive in with a huge pitch, the pressure would be too high.   Instead we're reflecting on summer movie sequels for the next few episodes. Here's how it works. Dave and I hop on skype, watch a summer movie together then discuss it in detail. That's really it. First up we're going back to Crystal Lake and discussing 1984's "Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter." Going back because if you recall we did a pitch 'sode for Friday the 13th last October, but now we're going more in-depth in what we consider one of the best horror sequels of all time.   Man does it feel good to be back. We missed you all gobs!   Email: Facebook Page (like us and follow us fo