Sequel This

Episode 48: Bloodsport 2: The Electric Kumite



Dave "Dux" Rodriguez and Marc "Jackson" Rissmann are back, split kicking and screaming. Today they're covering a sequel to another beloved (?) 80's film that actually had 3 sequels, but those don't count, so sayeth Dave. This is a long episode so stretch first and a take a piss before diving in. Because it's so long we'll highlight a few of the bigger moments below if you do want to skip around.   00:50:00 - 01:40:00: Review of the original Bloodsport from 1988. 01:46:45 - 02:15:00: Dave's pitch for Bloodsport 2 02:15:00 - 02:28:30: Marc's pitch for Bloodsport 2   Email: Facebook Page (like us and follow us for episode updates):  iTunes (review us):