Sequel This

Episode 47: Mac and Me 2



Dave is back! Marc is still here. And this time they're talking all things "Mac and Me." Which of course includes.....A New pitch. It's been awhile. Grab a Big Mac and Fries, and a coke to wash it all down because we have "Mac and Me 2." But if you must skip around...... 14:00 - 18:00: Dave gives his spoiler free review of "Avengers: End Game." 20:00 - 45:00: Marc has a lot of fun facts about Mac and Me. Dave gives a plot synopsis for the original "Mac and Me" that proves he has no memory of the film. Also, there's a thing with Dave's dads hand..... 48:00 - 01:00:00:  Dave's up first with his pitch. 01:03:00 - 01:15:00: Marc's pitch. 01:15:00 - 01:26:42: Some Other Stuff.   Email: Facebook Page (like us and follow us for episode updates):  iTunes (review us):