Change Your Energy, Change Your Life With Panache Desai

040 3 Steps To End Victimhood And Co-dependency



You are a sovereign being. You are the only governing authority when it comes to your life. The moment you choose to let go of blaming others is the moment you take possession of the key to your own shackles. Set yourself free from the limitations of victimhood. Take ownership, take responsibility and release the need for co-dependency to dictate your level of happiness. There are three key ways you can release victimhood and co-dependency and I’m going to share them with you today. In this episode, discover how you can: Take back your personal power through self-realization and elevate your ability to attract what it is you do want in life... Transcend your old stories and leave behind the belief structures that rob you of the ability to access empowerment... End your desire to please everyone and start living in alignment with what it is you actually want...