Eat It. Sleep It. Breathe It.

Episode 26--The Finkley Experience w/Mike Finkley



This is an amazing interview for higher educational professionals that are potentially looking to venture out and do their own thing. This will be the 1st of 2 interviews with higher ed pros that started their own businesses while still being super productive.  In this interview I Mr. Michael Finkley. Michael Finkley is a higher education professional from South Carolina and also the founder of The Finkley Experience an educational consulting firm. As a higher education professional Michael and I discuss the a multitude of things including: Tips to encourage apathetic students on college campuses. How aspirations outside of higher ed help you be a better employee. How seeing yourself as a role model and inspiration for your students can encourage you. Why more young black males should consider higher ed. How to better help promote a culture of diversity if you’re not a person of color. Best strategies for networking at conferences.   For more information on Michael and his company or to just reach out to hi