Big Change The Film Podcast

Episode 27 - Justin Lacy (225lbs lost)



This weeks guest is Justin Lacy from Dexter, Missouri. At the beginning of 2015 Justin weighted 500lbs and has since lost over 200lbs. He said that he wad always been a big kid and at the age of 12 or 13 he was already reading diet books. Before he changed his life he said that he would goto McDonalds and get 4 McDoubles, 3 McChickens, fries, and a soda all on the way to get something else from another fast food place. In 2015 he made a promise to himself to change his life and become the healthiest person that he knew. One thing he said that really stood out to me was, “You have to love yourself enough to make a promise like that, that’s something that I probably never did before was love myself enough to care about myself." Since we have talked Justin has lost an additional 25lbs and is now up to 225lbs lost. Connect with Justin on FaceBook at Here is my conversation with Justin and I hope that you enjoy it.