Cinema Soapbox

MAYtheforcebewithHEW, Or; How Only 90s Kids will Understand This Episode



Cinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we saw. Or how That 70s Show is an antique. Or Peter Mayhew put up with Stephen's bullshit. Or how Robbie totally fooled the bros. Or something something something Game Of Thrones again. Or how 1999 was really only ten years ago. Or how Josh's chiseled chin distracts the bros. Or how we really don't mean to shit on any directs but M Night Shamwow is a complete hack. Or how Josh ruins The Visit. Or how Bruce Willis was dead the whole fucking time. Or...Or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -