Sales Hacks For Startup Hustlers

Heidi Grey, Skilljar & Balancing Your Career With a Side Hustle & Passion



CLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, Account Executive, @rebeccatluo Listen: iTunes, Soundcloud, & your favorite podcast app Watch: YouTube Heidi Grey is a Strategic Account Manager at Skilljar ( and the founder/blogger of The Rogue Essentials (, a fashion and lifestyle blog focused on inspiring women to go outside of the norm to curate their own list of essentials. Her experience in sales, mobile attribution and fashion have all led her to launching and seeing success in her blog. Prior to Skilljar, Heidi worked as a Manager at Nordstrom, before moving to Sales & Account Management roles at AWB, Optify, and TUNE. Episode highlights: Heidi's unique measure of her blogging success How she's applied what she's learned in retail, mobile attribution, and technology to her blog How she balances her career with her side hustle, and dealing with burn out How to curate your ess