Children's Palliative Care Voices

Children's Palliative Care Voices 4: Dr Linda Maynard, Maria McGill and Toby Porter



During our fourth podcast, you can hear All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Children Who Need Palliative Care Co-Chair Catherine McKinnell MP and Christine Jardine MP hear evidence from: Dr Linda Maynard (Consultant Nurse Children’s Palliative Care, East Anglia's Children's Hospices) Maria McGill (Chief Executive, Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS)) Toby Porter (Chief Executive Acorns Children's Hospice). This evidence session, recorded on 21 February 2018, is one of several which the APPG held as part of its inquiry. If you would like to know more about Together for Short Lives, or how you can support our vital work, please visit our website at