Bollycast: A Bollywood/hollywood Podcast

69: Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War



Bollycast: An unprofessional/professional movie podcast. With too much time on their hand, bunch of low life know it brown guys sits down and talk about hollywood, bollywood, politics and other random life stuff. Hosted by Baloch, Anoop, Sameer1) Our feelings on the movie 2) Kevin Feige vision comes to big screen and so does Sameer. No pun intended 3) Sameer yeah..... Yeah? 4) Sammer still keeps a grudge against his 2 haters. Its his own little bollywood project ;) 5) One of the most rewatchable movie 6) Sameer adhd level has reached level infinity 7) Sameer explains why women take long showers 8) The ending was...... Was Thanos right Please like us on us on can be visited  If you would like to advertise with us, provide feedback or contact us, please email at