Bollycast: A Bollywood/hollywood Podcast

63: The Last Jedi Review



1. Anoop and Baloch don't know how to feel about this movie2. Shah and Sameer make love to this movie3. We find out that its not gay if its in the 3 way4. We try to understand why there is so much fan hate and why there is so much critic love toward this film5. I do not feel like writing these notes anymore, I am not even sure that anyone even takes the time to read this boogal baagaal, most of this doesn't make sense anyways and if you are one of these weirdos who read all this boogal bagaali boo then I just wasted 5 minute of your life that you are never gonna get back but your life probably sucks so it doesn't really matter. Why are you still reading this , I just called you a loser whitout even knowing a thing about you and you continue to read the dumb bogaal bagali boo that I write,... Wait I just realise that the amount of time I took to write this dumb rant so far, I could've probably written professionally looking notes.......
