Bollycast: A Bollywood/hollywood Podcast

Bollycast Ep 45 : Khan vs Khan ultimate box office face off, Aishwarya Rai & Kangana Ranaut biopic project & Bolly-Fan calls Baloch a douche bag?



In this episode of bollycast we talked about the following topics:- Salman Khan Vs Shah Rukh Khan box office face off (5:35-13:53) SRK pulls a di!#ck move and Baloch agrees? (13:53-21:50)   Aishwarya Rai in Sarbjit bio pic (21:50-33:38) (33:38- 41:53) Kangna Ranaut in playing a criminal Role Kangna Ranaut in Rani Laxmi Bio Pic What Hollywood (41:53-46:42) Fan lashes out at Baloch (46:42-55:58) Anurag Kashyap next project (55:59-1hr:22) Hosted by Anoop,Baloch and Sameer Get Bollywood movie news & funny reviews from Bolly fans like you. We are a team dedicated to bringing you Bollywood movie news and reviews in a fun and entertaining way. What separates us from other movie pages is that we are fans just like you. Please like us on Follow us on And can be visited   If you would like to advertise with us, provide feedback or contact us, please email at