The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

369: Nancy Koehn & Adi Ignatius - Courageous Leaders Are Forged In Crisis



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 Full show notes can be found at #369: Nancy Koehn & Adi Ignatius Nancy Koehn is a historian at the Harvard Business School. She's the author of multiple books, her most recent: Forged in Crisis: The Power of Courageous Leadership in Turbulent Times. Adi Ignatius is the Editor in Chief of the Harvard Business Review. Previously, he was deputy managing editor for Time, where he was responsible for many of its special editions, including the Person of the Year and Time 100 franchises.  Notes: Sustaining excellence = Leaders are made, not born "Crisis are great greenhouses to make great leaders" Resilience - It's a muscle built over time A unique combination - The ability to commit, married to that, but flexibility to the means to make it happen Empathy & Emotional awareness - How a leader shows up in service to the mission Convey conviction and confidence A real sense of how much impact a leader has. Humble and