The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

366: Laurie Santos - The Science Of Well-Being (Psychology & The Good Life)



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 Full show notes can be found at Episode #366: Laurie Santos -  Laurie Santos is a cognitive scientist and Professor of Psychology at Yale University. She has been a featured TED speaker and has been listed in Popular Science as one of their "Brilliant Ten" young scientists in 2007 as well as in Time magazine as a "Leading Campus Celebrity" in 2013. In January 2018, her course titled Psychology and the Good Life became the most popular course in Yale's history, with approximately one-fourth of Yale's undergraduates enrolled. Notes: Sustaining excellence: Good habits: Form consistent routines Healthy: Exercise regularly Socialize with others They "offload dumb decisions" Create a morning routine - Limit the wardrobe (limit mental energy spent on trivial things). Harness the power of habits - "Set you exercise clothes out the night before." Do it at a consistent time each day no matter what. This decreases anxiety. For wri