The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

295: Todd Herman - Using Alter Egos To Transform Your Life



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk #295: Todd Herman - Using Alter Egos To Transform Your Life To read the full show notes, go to Notes: Commonalities of sustaining excellence: "Negative capability" (John Keats term) The ability to pursue your dream despite the fact that circumstance tells you it won't happen. Not losing faith despite the long odds Mental toughness - "The ability to be flexible & adaptable despite what the world is throwing at you." The OPP framework for goal setting: Outcome Performance - Resources Process - Who, what, when, where What Todd does? He's on a mission to give people smart thinking models.  He helps ambitious people. Revenue generation: He's built programs and systems and licensed it to sports teams He does sport science and peak performance coaching Grew up doing speaking competitions. Did 68 speeches in 90 days.  All for free.  Have to "get the reps" "This is how I know I've made it... I loved doing a free speech for four people.