The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

260: Mark Divine - How To Create An Unbeatable Mind



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Episode #260: Mark Divine - How To Create An Unbeatable Mind At twenty-six Mark Divine graduated as Honor Man (#1-ranked trainee) of SEAL BUD/S class number 170. Mark served for nine years total on active duty and eleven as a Reserve SEAL, retiring as Commander in 2011.  His leadership of teams was so effective the government tasked him with creating a nationwide mentoring program for SEAL trainees.  He earned his MBA at NYU.  In 2007 he launched the SEALFIT program to provide transformational personal and team training experiences. The training utilizes an integrated warrior development model he developed, called Unbeatable Mind, which draws from his 20 years as a SEAL and business leader, 25 years as a martial artist and 15 years as yoga practitioner.  Mark has written has written four books, including The Way of The SEAL, and Unbeatable Mind. The Learning Leader Show "Do today what others aren't willing to do.  You're 20X more capable than what you think." Show Notes