I Want Her Job

#143 Financial Advisor Kristin O’Keefe Merrick (Net)Works Bleeping Hard



Have you ever thought about what it’s like to work as a financial advisor? Kristin O’Keeffe Merrick, a money expert with 19 years of professional experience in the financial industry, is a financial advisor at her family-run firm, O'Keeffe Financial Partners. Kristin shares her career path story and why more women should consider financial advising as a career option. We discuss the challenges Kristin faced when transitioning to a financial advisor role and advice on how to get started in this field. We also discuss the project Kristin started with her close friend, Lindsay Shookus, Women Work F#cking Hard, a networking group that is bringing together women with the goal of helping women business owners. Kristin also writes about money for leading publications such as Forbes, NY Magazine and she is a frequent guest on Today Show, the NBC Nightly News and Yahoo Finance Kristin was recently named as 2020 Badass 50 by InStyle Magazine.