I Want Her Job

#117 Esther Wojcicki Shares Advice on Remote Learning and Opportunities for Improving K-12 Education



Esther Wojcicki has experienced tremendous success as a mother and a teacher. Each of her daughters have impressive career achievements. Daughter Susan Wojcicki, is the CEO of YouTube; Janet Wojcicki, is a professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco; and Anne Wojcicki, is the founder and CEO of genetic testing company 23andMe. Esther has been squarely at the center of Silicon Valley for her entire career as an influential, loved and respected teacher. Similar to Forest Gump living through pivotal moments in history, Susan has witnessed tech history firsthand. Google famously began its empire in daughter Susan’s garage. Susan and Ann lead disruptive tech companies. Plus, thousands of students who went through the journalism program Esther created at Palo Alto High School (and later on to pivotal roles in the tech industry and others) often consider the experience life-changing – both for the work they did, and for the respect, autonomy and the bar set by Esther. Given her wisdom and